


艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
http://weiweicam.com 四分钟前关闭。再见,喜欢隐私的朋友们。4 minutes ago the cameras have been shut down. byebye to all the voyeurs.

艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
寿命最短,无痕。 RT @leyizi: @aiww 个人以为,weiweicam是你至今最伟大的作品

@aiww: With the shortest life, without trace. RT @leyizi: @aiww IMHO, weiweicam is the greatest work of you.

Seaing ‏ @seainglau
@aiww 大神,直播被关了?刚回到家打开网页,默认首页面就是您的视频,但却没有图像,突然感到莫名的紧张,赶紧入推查找您的信息,知道后才放松。哈哈,我们很多 人不是为了窥探一个大胡子老男人的私生活,而是在力所能及的范围内,利用仅有的微薄之力和条件对您的支持和守护。我们希望你每日安好

@seainglau: @aiww My great god, is your live cam shut off?  I just returned home and opened the web page.  My default home page is your webcam, but there was no image.  I feel a sudden ineffable jitter and later relaxed when I knew it was shut off.  Haha, many of us didn't mean to peek the private life of a beared old man, but try to support and guard you using the  weak power and condition available to us limited by our ability.  We wish you safe and sound every day.

艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
不会了 RT @jackxu225: @aiww 婶 还会再开不

@aiww: Not any more RT @jackxu225: @aiww Aunt[1], will you open it again?

艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
个人隐私也可以是国家机密呢 RT @Suyutong: @aiww 呜呜,我看不到你蹬被子了.淫家被郭嘉传染了就想看你的隐私嘛

@aiww: Even privacy can be state secret.  RT @suyutong: @aiww (sobs), I can't see you kicking the quilt any more.  I was infected by the state so I really want to see your privacy.

艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
我想的是81天。 RT @leyizi: @aiww 46个小时,你完胜

@aiww: I planned to last for 81 days. RT @leyizi: @aiww 46 hours, you got total victory.

艾未 未 Ai Weiwei ‏ @aiww
隐蔽、遮挡、切断、阻碍、隐晦与公开、分享、交流、通融、明晰之争。 RT @hooleee: @aiww 他们这么喜欢暧昧啊。

@aiww: The struggle of hiding, masking, cutting, blocking, shadiness against openness, sharing, communication, versatility, clarity.  RT @hooleee: @aiww They prefer obliquity so much.

[1] Aunt, phonogram of "god", as a pet name of aiww given by his twitter fans

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